Monday, January 25, 2010

best of the best

so everyone knows about and there are SO many better websites similar to those...but better :) so i compiled a list of what i think are the best little snippets of peoples lives that relate to the website and put them together...ready (freddy)? :)

BEST OF THEEEE BEST!!! I was running on the track. I was out of breath and tempted to quit, so I pretended the guy running 15 feet behind me (and catching up) was a zombie. Not only did I finish the mile, I didn't get eaten. MLIA (i'm a runner...i'm going to have to use this technique :D) I realized that for every story on this website about yelling out a Harry Potter spell and having a complete stranger respond, there's probably a ton where no one responded and it became extremely awkward. I learned that in the elevator today. (THAT IS AMAZING.) You put a nerf gun to his head and demanded him to take you to taco bell.. (drunk people can get a little dirty beware...this was a funny one though and clean) 19
(i found out about this website from indefinite has brought lots of laughs hahaha this guy is straight up g.)

well i dont know any others really...but if you have favorites you want to share...please, share!!! also these websites give endless laughter if you are uber yeah. :)
have a good day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

stupid survey questions.

so i was laying in my bed last night thinking "i never write in my blog...because i have nothing to write about i should delete it" so i may delete this...sometime if i get around to it. but i had an epiphany last night of what to write about. as you can tell by the title it is: stupid survey questions. honestly, whoever makes them up is a genuine idiot. here are the top five dumbest ones:
5. are you a forgiving person
(no i'm not a forgiving person i hold grudges for twenty years...yeah your not gonna say that even if you arent a forgiving person. gooodness."
4. do people consider you ___ (smart, cute, pretty)
(umm how are you supposed to know? tsk tsk)
3. last time ___ (butterflies in your stomach, purposely walk over a crack, etc.)
(i dont record stupid things like that, i'm not going to remember unless it was two seconds ago.)
2. what is your biggest secret?
(like i'm going to tell everyone who feels like creeping on me my biggest secret. honestly.)
1. what are you doing right now?
(this is the ultimate worst. obivously i am doing this stupid survey. goodness.)

so there you go...i hope everyone agrees with me and gives me more input. and everyone is guilty of doing these dumb surveys...when boredom takes over its a guilty indulgence. so yes tell me anymore awful survey questions. :)
have a good day.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


i tried thinking of something that rhymed with 2010...i only got hen so there is a hen. heh heh heh. so its 2010...i figured i should write a new post. new year, new post. so i went to my friends house yesterday, and we played bowling on wii. i dominated...i think i got four strikes in the game...heck yeah i'm pretty awesome. then they wanted to go real i havent gone real bowling in...forever. its been a super long time. so we went...and yeah. i didnt do too great. but it was weird because i would get a gutter ball first shot, then the second time i got a strike, but technically a spare. so wii bowling is out of whack!!! tsk tsk. and it felt like the real thing too. so i dont have many followers. so if you follow me, tell your friends...because i sorta feel like an idiot writing for...basically nobody. anyways, how did everyone celebrate new years?! i went to a party and we ended up playing soccer outside on the packed snow and was cold and lots of fun. i should pick up soccer ;) well, i really have nothing else thats not too terrible boring to write. sooo peace out girl scout :)
have a good day.
